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Products marked with "Warehouse" tags.
These are products that are not in stock directly with Combat Airsoft Supplies however are available at one of our suppliers, these items are clearly labeled with an estimated dispatch time on the product page. We aim in all cases to have the item dispatched before this estimate however delays may occur as we are not in direct control of the stock. In some cases the item is dispatched directly from the supplier to you.
These items are treated in exactly the same was as if it was in stock with us, so you will still recieve the Combat Airsoft Supplies warranty and aftersale support.
In cases where the product is in stock on our website however is out of stock with the supplier this could be due to stock discrepencies etc, you will recieve an email offering a full refund or if you wish, a substitute product if similar are available.
If you have any questions concerning one of these products before purchase then please contact us before ordering using the contact form located HERE or by email to: store@combatairsoft.uk and we will advise you accordingly!
Why do we offer these products?
We offer these products to give our customers a wider selection of RIFs on our online store alongside our physical store inventory especially with niche / specialist items. You will still get the same customer service you expect from Combat Airsoft Supplies.